Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good Morning.....

Trying to get my head around the fact that I am going back to work on Monday ... part of me is ready ... the other not so sure.  

It has nothing to do with how I feel health wise ... just enjoyed doing what I wanted when I wanted!

Didn't create as many new pieces as I thought I would but the ones I did make seem very good ... at least I think they are.

The picture above is a new favorite - 

The past few days I was focusing on my Etsy shop ... try, try, trying to drum up business ... one sale does not mean retiring!!!

Oh well, I will continue you never know what may happen!

Enjoy the weekend ....

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Few New Pieces.....

I have been home recuperating for 2 weeks.  It has certainly given me the time to create some new pieces that I have posted to my Etsy Shop.  

I am slowly getting very involved in the online shop family and loving it.  Now if only I can make a few sales.  It is really hard to decide how to promote myself - I have never really been that good at selling myself and my creations.  Yet I have no trouble selling - that is after all what I do for a living.  It should translate into one's own wares but somehow it is very different.

I will keep on trying.  Stop by my shop and have a look.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Junque Drawer Jools .....

I am starting feel better & better every day.  Spent a little time going through my baskets, drawers, plastic containers, desk top & all surfaces crowded with my supplies.

The result - a treasure trove of one of's.   This gave birth to my collection of 'Junque Jools'.  

With no rhyme or reason I began assembling bits of everything within reach -  there is much more to come - bracelets, earrings & who know what.

Enjoy - this is FUN....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feeling Better .....

I am on the road to recovery ... I feel better than I could have imagined after surgery.  Minimally invasive surgery is the only way to go!  I had the surgery on Thursday afternoon, went home on Friday and today I am feeling good ..... a little sore but nothing in comparison to old fashion open surgery.  I have 4 little 'band-aid' type dressings & thankfully needed NO pain meds.

I have even worked a little & posted some earrings to my Etsy Shop this morning ... sure by tomorrow I will be at my desk creating all the images spinning around in my head.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sea Glass.......

A friend lives on the beach in Connecticut.  On her daily walks with her best friend 'Georgia Brown' she collects this beautiful glass.   This is a small pile of pieces she gave me on a day in a particularly difficult week.  Between gallbladder attacks and needy customers it was most welcome.

I have been trying to come up with pendants using a method different from the usual soldering and drilling.  I will see how this inspiration works.

I will be home recuperating from surgery for 10 days.  Looking forward to feeling better and creating !

Keep watching for the outcome created from this little pile of goodies .......

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Springtime Fun .......

Going through the containers of 'stuff' once again.  It is amazing what I find every time ....... it's like Christmas everyday.  

I'm trying to use some of the bits & pieces I have before I dig into the new supplies that just arrived.  Like all of us that are passionate about our craft, we continue to purchase more & more until we completely forget what we have.  It is really fun finding little treasures that you forgot about ... nothing stays lost forever.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom .....

My Mother was my role model my friend ........ I miss her every day!  Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Isis .....

This was a fun accidental creation - while sitting at my desk working on another piece I looked at the pedant I created a few days before & tried to decide what I wanted to do with it - & there it was!  I been using these hoops for bangles, add to that some left over chain.  It soon became this statement piece.  I wore it yesterday with a plain black tee - it was a 'statement'.  

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today was a strange one to say the least.  I am getting prepared for gallbladder surgery next week and had to spend the morning at the doctors office for pre-op work ups.  I will be so glad when this is over.  Just waiting for another of those horrible attacks can be very stressful.

In the meantime I am trying to occupy my time coming up with some new ideas.  While I'm recuperating, I think I will drag out the canvas, paints and other bits to create a collage.  We shall see - I'll be off work for 10 days!

Just looking at this wonderful photo from our trip to Palm Desert makes me feel better - of course it is over 100 there right now so all-in-all I'm glad to be right where I am.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

KB & She ......

These two necklace belong to very special ladies that I work with Sheila & Karen .... enjoy them ladies!

A Few of My Favorite Things .......

We have an incredible apartment on the 12th floor of our building .... full of the most amazing light.  Ron designed our cocktail table from an old Directional base & a very 'gutsy' glass top .... I love changing 'my favorite things' to highlight them.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pendants in Progress .....

Playing around with pendants .... found a container with odds & ends .... beads to large to do much with.  Then I started layer them with bead caps, smaller Czech glass beads, crystal drops.  This is the beginning of a new collection!  I am having fun .... have no specific idea of how they will turn out ..... stay tuned.  I'll play around with these while recuperating

Friday, May 1, 2009

New In Silver .....

This necklace is very pretty -  the Czech glass drop is big & the red is so dark that unless the light hits it just right it appears black.  The bead cap is as big & gutsy.

I am working on some new ideas & as a result I haven't been producing.  I am going to make a few chunky pieces using vintage Lucite - great look for summer - bright & cheerful.

A little tired this weekend.  Anticipating feeling better soon -  a visit to the surgeon next week will start me moving in the right direction - not looking forward to surgery but really really looking forward to feeling better afterward.

Want to get this over before summer so we can take our long weekend vacations.