Monday, June 29, 2009


Things have been a little hectic.  Ron spent 2 nights in the hospital - he has a hard time taking his heart meds - doesn't like the way they make him feel.  As a result his ticker does some bad things!

I have been busy with work but have managed to make a few more pieces for my Etsy shop.  I am also working on a line of knitted hats and cut little hair clips, headbands & pony tail holders.  

I can't stand to sit & watch TV without doing something.  Since I can't sit & make jewelry, I decided it was time to get the old knitting needles out.

I will be taking some pictures tomorrow - watch for the next post.

The earrings above are my first attempt at fabricating my own earwires.  I need a few more tools before I'm ready to put them on Etsy - won't be long.

Time to call it a day - my bed is calling me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Drama Queen ....

Aptly named - they are about 2" long and not for the wilting lily!  I used various pieces that litter my table top.

There are more - posting these and a couple of others to my Etsy shop, have a look.

I also have some works in progress, honestly I ran out of ear wires and can't finish them until my supplies arrive next week.  Oh well it happens to the best!