Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time Out .....

I am really very tired lately. I think there is so much going on in my creative head that I don't know where to start or stop as the case may be.

I started knitting again and have sold 6 of my 'Kids Lids' - they are really cute and fast to produce, then I got the idea to knit some cowls, as you can see on my last posting. These seem to be a hit with some of my co-workers. The great thing about knitting is the portability - I an sit in the living room with my wonderful understanding husband and work on a project, or 2. can't do that while making jewelry.

In the meantime, I have started to make my own ear wires. This is leading me to working with wire and if I don't set the apartment on fire while working with my mini torch, should be fun.

So, as you can see I am full of creative juices. I'm just going to have to reel myself in, take a deep breath and create one piece at a time.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cowls .....

Playing around with designs for cowls - they are really fun to knit. I little warm to try on at the moment but still lots of fun.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Things have been a little hectic.  Ron spent 2 nights in the hospital - he has a hard time taking his heart meds - doesn't like the way they make him feel.  As a result his ticker does some bad things!

I have been busy with work but have managed to make a few more pieces for my Etsy shop.  I am also working on a line of knitted hats and cut little hair clips, headbands & pony tail holders.  

I can't stand to sit & watch TV without doing something.  Since I can't sit & make jewelry, I decided it was time to get the old knitting needles out.

I will be taking some pictures tomorrow - watch for the next post.

The earrings above are my first attempt at fabricating my own earwires.  I need a few more tools before I'm ready to put them on Etsy - won't be long.

Time to call it a day - my bed is calling me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Drama Queen ....

Aptly named - they are about 2" long and not for the wilting lily!  I used various pieces that litter my table top.

There are more - posting these and a couple of others to my Etsy shop, have a look.

I also have some works in progress, honestly I ran out of ear wires and can't finish them until my supplies arrive next week.  Oh well it happens to the best!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good Morning.....

Trying to get my head around the fact that I am going back to work on Monday ... part of me is ready ... the other not so sure.  

It has nothing to do with how I feel health wise ... just enjoyed doing what I wanted when I wanted!

Didn't create as many new pieces as I thought I would but the ones I did make seem very good ... at least I think they are.

The picture above is a new favorite - 

The past few days I was focusing on my Etsy shop ... try, try, trying to drum up business ... one sale does not mean retiring!!!

Oh well, I will continue you never know what may happen!

Enjoy the weekend ....

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Few New Pieces.....

I have been home recuperating for 2 weeks.  It has certainly given me the time to create some new pieces that I have posted to my Etsy Shop.  

I am slowly getting very involved in the online shop family and loving it.  Now if only I can make a few sales.  It is really hard to decide how to promote myself - I have never really been that good at selling myself and my creations.  Yet I have no trouble selling - that is after all what I do for a living.  It should translate into one's own wares but somehow it is very different.

I will keep on trying.  Stop by my shop and have a look.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Junque Drawer Jools .....

I am starting feel better & better every day.  Spent a little time going through my baskets, drawers, plastic containers, desk top & all surfaces crowded with my supplies.

The result - a treasure trove of one of's.   This gave birth to my collection of 'Junque Jools'.  

With no rhyme or reason I began assembling bits of everything within reach -  there is much more to come - bracelets, earrings & who know what.

Enjoy - this is FUN....