Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time Out .....

I am really very tired lately. I think there is so much going on in my creative head that I don't know where to start or stop as the case may be.

I started knitting again and have sold 6 of my 'Kids Lids' - they are really cute and fast to produce, then I got the idea to knit some cowls, as you can see on my last posting. These seem to be a hit with some of my co-workers. The great thing about knitting is the portability - I an sit in the living room with my wonderful understanding husband and work on a project, or 2. can't do that while making jewelry.

In the meantime, I have started to make my own ear wires. This is leading me to working with wire and if I don't set the apartment on fire while working with my mini torch, should be fun.

So, as you can see I am full of creative juices. I'm just going to have to reel myself in, take a deep breath and create one piece at a time.

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