Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Charming .....

I'm so happy that this necklace, which has been a favorite of mine due to my love of all things with charms, is on it's way to a new home in Los Gatos, California.  
The most interesting part aside from the fact that it was my first sale on Etsy, it that Los Gatos has always been a favorite spot of mine.  It is one of those beautiful little Cali towns that just makes you feel good.
A hundred years ago it was the place to go for your vacation when you lived in San Francisco, my mother would go there when she was a baby with her mother & aunts - as an aside this is were she was bitten by a black widow spider when she was about 18 months old - needless to say it wasn't fatal!  All these memories from the sale of my necklace - thanks Natasha!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Circle of Life .....

The silver bracelet was a brain child while going through some 
bits & bobs' from projects gone by.  It amazing what you find when rummaging through containers.  

I love wearing several bracelets/bangles together -  I do the same with necklaces.  I decided to take a page out of my everyday life - the pear & chain necklace is a 'layer up' piece to wear with other, shorter necklaces.  Again, I am using up all those 'bits'.  Just made a pretty Rose Quartz with silver chain.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Under the Weather .......

Haven't been feeling so great and have a little trouble concentrating .... started making some brooches.  they are more like mini collages haveing lots of fun with them ... will post more as I finish them.  

The bracelet is a favorite ... great antique silver dragonfly with jade glass beads.  Just receved some Czec glass beads that are interesting ... going to do some necklaces with them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Blues ....

I found these blue ceramic beads in an Asian store in Soho.  I have never been a blue person but there is something about the blue & white goemetric design on these beads that really made me want them.  I used Antique Brass chain & findings.  The white MOP flat bead adds some interest - think these will look good with crisp summer white linen.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Frustrating Day ....

Have been unable to take pictures today - camera is just not acting right - of course it could be me.  Have started a little collection of brooches - miniature collages.  Really wanted to get some pictures to post here & add to my Etsy shop.  Oh well tomorrow is another day.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Know ......

Cayce says it all - I'm feeling just a little 'funky' this weekend.  Spent yesterday morning getting a sonogram - maybe gallbladder!  YIKES!!  Oh well, it hasn't stopped my creative side.

I am working on some interesting brooches.  They should be kinda of fun to wear with my EF sweaters - a little irreverent but very Gaetan - stay tuned. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Antique Silver Duo......

These are two new pieces that are the beginning of a collection in Antique Silver.  I am working on bracelets and some very cute earrings.  I also spent some time today designing packaging for the pieces on my Etsy Shop.  Will post a picture once I fine tune it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mixed Bag .....

Haven't had much time to photograph new pieces.  Spent the better part of the day at the doctor and worked till 8.  This weekend I plan to take the photos and re-organize my workshop/office.  Also working on a hang tag that will work for all my pieces - have an idea on the table (literally).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Springtime On 12 .....

Spring seems to be taking a very slow time arriving.  Yellow tulips give me hope of things to come.  These cheery blooms even on a dreary day, make everything seem just a little brighter.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Truckee Bound .....

I have started a new collection of silver plate and Antique Silver necklaces.  They are developing slowly - I do prefer to work in Antique Brass.  I find the brass much more interesting, but I feel it is important to add somethings in other finishes.  I am thinking about some vintage acrylic pieces and some of the funky pieces that I made a few years ago.  Have some interest in the 'steam punk' style.  It feeds my funkier side - like creating mini-collages to wear.  Who know this may lead to me finally getting the canvas out again!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Full Bloom ......

Finally finished this necklace.  It is a simple 22" Antique brass chain.  The turquoise bead reminded me of a Robin's egg and of course spring.  It sprouted from the mess on my work table. Wore this with a plain white tee and it looks terrific.  I always feel that turquoise and white just says 'Spring is here'.  View all the particulars on 'my EtsyShop'.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The sun is shining and I am just spending a little time reflecting.  My Saturday was busy trying to get my Etsy Shop up and running.  It is getting there slowly.  I have included a link to the shop.  Have a look!  Have a beautiful day and enjoy the sun!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am very close to 'opening' my Etsy Shop - it is a slow go.  It seems that all the photo files of my new pieces are too large.  I will really have to spend spend some time figuring this out.  It's a little frustrating but I'm sure I will win in the end.
In the meantime enjoy these two new bracelets.  Love the look of turquoise for spring.  The top bracelet has a beautiful filigree bead with a bone and lime green bead.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2 Bracelet & A Necklace

The Antique Brass Chain Bracelet with a coral charm is now on Sheila's wrist - I think it even went on Holiday to The Canary Islands with her.  The necklace is my first using Antique Silver.  This collection is growing - there are more pieces to come soon.  Guess we all know what I will be up to this weekend!!!  Sometimes I know I drive Ron a little crazy with all the bits & pieces covering the desk!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Sprout

Very slowly the seeds are beginning to sprout - by the weekend I should have a full blown blossom.  I have several more pieces that are showing signs of germination.  Gave a silver bracelet to a friend for her birthday tonight.  She didn't realize that I had made it - you have to know this made me feel pretty good.  Sometimes I can be just a tad insecure about my 'babies'......it did look great on her wrist.


.... not so sure.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


With spring trying very hard to bloom, my seed of design is beginning to sprout.  This chunk of turquoise reminds of a Robin's egg - have no idea how this little sprout will finally bloom!  Keep watching, it's only a matter of time now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Charmed Life

As a child I was fascinated by my aunt's charm bracelet.  It was a wonderful sterling silver chain crammed full of movable charms.  There are two, that even after many many years, still remain fresh in my mind.  One was a sewing machine with a wheel and treadle that moved and the other was a pair of scissors that opened.  On my 50th birthday my mother gave me her gold charm bracelet.  Although it doesn't have those memorable movable charms,  this bracelet had special meaning for my mother and now has a special place in my heart and my jewelry box.  The necklace above is my tribute to those two ladies and their 'charm'.  

Saturday, April 4, 2009


The seeds of new designs....... the start of things to come.  Most times my entire desktop looks like this.  From the mess springs excitement!
Have some great new designs swimming around in my head - somtimes my head is so full of ideas that it is hard to focus ...... stay focused & create!

Friday, April 3, 2009

These little gems are now living with KB - found them a great home!   Enjoy them Karen.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This is a new Antique Silver necklace that I have just made - just the beginning of a new collection.  Necklace is 18" with Moonstone & Jadite beads & Chinese symbol of Long Life - closure is 'S' hook.

These are a few new pieces that I have just completed.
I am still working on photographing my jewelry.  I have a 12 year old grandaughter (by marriage) that takes incredible photos - I should definately hire her to take pictures of my pieces.  The problem is I have been selling them before I can get her to do it.  Not a bad thing, just not convenient.

I have finally decided that I should start the process of 'blogging'.  Not really sure exactly what I am doing but I'm sure like everything else I attempt, I will get the hang of it and become very involved.

I have a passion for creating period.  At the moment I am designing necklaces, bracelets & earrings using Antique Brass & Silver.