Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Charming .....

I'm so happy that this necklace, which has been a favorite of mine due to my love of all things with charms, is on it's way to a new home in Los Gatos, California.  
The most interesting part aside from the fact that it was my first sale on Etsy, it that Los Gatos has always been a favorite spot of mine.  It is one of those beautiful little Cali towns that just makes you feel good.
A hundred years ago it was the place to go for your vacation when you lived in San Francisco, my mother would go there when she was a baby with her mother & aunts - as an aside this is were she was bitten by a black widow spider when she was about 18 months old - needless to say it wasn't fatal!  All these memories from the sale of my necklace - thanks Natasha!

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